Mission Zéro Carbone Minett Mash-Up: De Podcast Naturlab: Discover the Minett Nature Explorer: Youth Workshops
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Rocklines 2021

During the geopoetic exploration in July 2021, the Minett UNESCO Biosphere organised a number of public events to engage the region’s inhabitants with the concept of geopoetics.


This is a recap of each of the events:


Wednesday, 14th of July – Conference and vagabondage in Esch-Belval


During this conference, Dr. Estelle Evrard and Dr. Lise Landrin, researchers in the Department of Geography at the University of Luxembourg who are exploring the concept of emotional geography in an Esch2022 project, presented their project.


At the beginning of the conference, Italian geopoet Davide Sapienza had explained the concept of geopoetics and showed how this concept can relate to people’s emotional connection with their intimate geography.

Additional information:




Sunday, 18th July – Hike & Bite in Schifflange


The municipality of Schifflange invited to a geopoetic brunch in the nature reserve Brucherbierg-Lalléngerbierg.


Starting at the Jean-Jacoby Stadium, the participants walked through one of the core zones of the Minett UNESCO Biosphere, which they could discover in a new, geopoetic way.


A brunch of local produce was served at the end of the walk.

Additional information:

Impressiouns of the Hike & Bite in Schifflange

Friday to Sunday, 23th to 25th July – Geopoetic Camp in Lasauvage

A group of young people spent a weekend in Lasauvage on a journey of discovery.


Together with the two authors, they sought a new way of looking at the landscape.


Besides Lasauvage, the Giele Botter and the Fonds-de-Gras were also explored.

Additional information:

The summary of the geopoetic Camp in Lasauvage

Tuesday, 27th Juli – Sunsetwalk @ Léiffrächen

Guided geopoetic walk through the Léiffrächen nature reserve.


Reading of geopoetic texts by the two authors.


Sunset walk on the Huttbierg.


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