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Discover our environmental education programme for school classes, adults and teachers.


MiNELL (Minett Nature an Ëmwelt LéierLab) is a nature laboratory where we offer an interactive programme of scientific workshops. The focus of the workshops is to protect biodiversity and promote the natural sciences.


In our NaturLab, we work with partners in the field of sustainable education from all over the country. These are schools as well as experts from various scientific fields. We also work with the ‘Fuerschen dobaussen (FUDO)’ project from SCRIPT (Service de Coordination de la Recherche et de l’Innovation pédagogiques et technologiques), the UpFoundation‘s educational landscapes programme, the Nature and Forest Agency (ANF) and the ‘naturmusée’ (MNHN).



Our priorities are:


  • Connecting regional partners from the field of environmental education (“unir”);
  • Communicate the concept of environmental education to educators and the general public and enable them to acquire the necessary skills to actively contribute to the protection of our environment (“former”);
  • Encourage the inhabitants of the biosphere reserve to adopt new relationships and behaviours in relation to our natural heritage through a variety of activities (“infuser”).


MiNELL, in collaboration with the Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER), is developing a smartphone app to collect feedback from the workshop participants and to measure the success of the knowledge transfer.


Take part in the interactive nature and science workshops offered by Minett UNESCO Biosphere and its partners in the framework of the MiNELL programme!


Below you will find an overview of the different activities we can offer you through MiNELL, the Minett nature an environment learning lab:






The Naturlab offers workshops and discoveries to anyone interested in the nature of the Minett UNESCO Biosphere, whether in an urban environment or in our nature reserves.

IFEN trainings



In collaboration with IFEN, officially recognised in-service training courses for teachers are regularly organised by the MiNELL programme.




Schoul dobaussen



The MiNELL – Minett Natur an Ëmwelt LéierLab organises regular workshops for classes in the Minett UNESCO Biosphere area and the rest of the Grand Duchy in order to discover the natural wealth of southern Luxembourg.


Other projects



In addition, MiNELL – Minett Natur an Ëmwelt LéierLab is also actively involved in various other projects related to environmental education.





Previous activities



Discover which workshops and projects have already taken place and were realized thanks to the Minell – Minett Natur an Ëmwelt LéierLab.

MiNELL press review



In this section of our website, we collect all the reports about MiNELL – Minett Natur an Ëmwelt LéierLab that have been published in the (inter)national press.



MiNELL is a project of the Minett UNESCO Biosphere coordinated by PRO-SUD, the syndicate of municipalities for the promotion and development of the southern region: Bettembourg, Differdange, Dudelange, Esch-Alzette, Käerjeng, Kayl, Mondercange, Pétange, Sanem and Schifflange.




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