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Facilitate/Promote sustainable building in the Minett UNESCO Biosphere

Centralization of ecological housing resources and expert services


(exchange of competences, natural building resources, advice etc.)





Lack of information for people intending an active transition to live more ecologically while considering their natural resource management and carbon dioxide footprint. More precisely, pragmatic information on how to build or renovate zero-emission houses/buildings is hard to find. Whereas motivational incentives such as financial aids in form of subsidies are being offered on a national basis, the concrete “how” to do it, with which professionals/firms, with which materials and with which budget remains merely inexistant. 





A national platform containing the above needed information is necessary. The gathering of professionals and firms in the eco-build sector, expert advice, DIY incentives, suggestions of sustainable building materials as well as preliminary carbon footprint and budget calculators would allow an all-around, easy-accessible service on a centralized (internet) platform/website called EcoBuild



EcoBuild should be a national platform and work complementary to already existing platforms representing one of the above aspects (e.g. professionals of the building sector). For this to happen, a collaboration between different municipalities, associations and ministries should be put in place for all the sectors and people involved in sustainable development and building to become visible. E.g. Ministère du Logement, Ministère de l’Énergie et de l’Aménagement du Territoire, Ministère de l’Environnement, du Climat et du Développement Durable, Ministère de l’Économie etc.