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The Kabaisercher

The locations, including the architecture and artistic design of the 11 Kabaisercher, were selected through an architectural design competition.


The aim of this competition by the OAI and PRO-SUD, the association of municipalities that manages the Minett UNESCO Biosphere, was to create Kabaisercher (one per municipality) for visitors along the Minett Trail. The Minett Trail is a hiking trail that runs through the 11 municipalities that lie within the Minett UNESCO Biosphere.


Through the construction or rehabilitation of existing structures, the goal was to offer lodgings with unusual architecture while documenting the history of Minett, a region rich in human capital born of migration and its industrial past.


Bringing together 11 architectural competitions, this highly innovative procedure, notably by the synergies it proposes, is a premiere for Luxembourg.


The competition was launched on November 11, 2019 and a total of 91 applications were submitted. A selection committee, composed of 3 people, selected three different projects for each of the 11 sites. Subsequently, a 13-member jury had the difficult task of choosing on October 5 and 6, 2020, from the 33 applications still in competition. 11 Kabaiserchers were finally selected and have been completed or are currently under construction.