Minett Biosphere Youth Forum 2023
16 young people between 18 and 28 years participated in this thrilling experience.
The participants came from France (3 participants), Germany
(1 participant), Lebanon 🇱🇧 (1 participant), Sweden
(4 participants), Poland 🇵🇱 (2 participants) and Luxembourg
(5 participants).
After the success of the first Youth Forum organised in April 2022, the aim of this year’s forum was to work on concrete solutions to an environmental problem in the Minett UNESCO Biosphere that has been identified during last year’s edition. For this year’s edition we worked together with MAB France, Biosphärenreservat Bliesgau and Biosfärområde Kristianstads Vattenrike.
During the forum the participants worked on a campaign on fostering good behaviour in our natural reserves. Together with the art-collective “La Bonneterie” the participants cocreated messages and worked on prototypes, which were presented to political representatives. We will use the prototypes as a basis to develop a communication strategy for Luxembourg’s only biosphere reserve.