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More than 70 children taste the spring forest

Discovering the taste of the spring forest was at the top of the MiNELL school class programme for the last 5 weeks. More than 70 children from five different primary school classes came to Ellergronn between the Easter and Whitsun holidays to taste the forest.

Herbalist Christiane Laures not only took all the classes on an excursion to the forest, one of the oldest nature reserves in Luxembourg, but also taught the children about the edible plants found there.

© Minett UNESCO Biosphere

Theory and practice

The school activity started with a short introduction. Here the children learned that there are many different plants in the forest that can be eaten. These plants were explained and shown to them.

They then went out into the forest to look for, find and, of course, collect the different plants. The collected plants were then brought back to the Ellergronn Nature Centre where they cooked them.

The nettle – the star of the spring forest

Cooking with plants from the spring forest focused on wild herbs and, of course, the stinging nettle. This plant, which can be found in every forest in Luxembourg, is extremely healthy. It contains iron, protein, calcium, magnesium and vitamins A, B, C and K. A nettle is almost 30 percent protein and contains more vitamin C than an orange.

A delicious soup was made from the nettles and the children were able to make potato pancakes with other wild herbs, which they then enjoyed.

In 2025 we will taste the forest again

In 2025 there will be new workshops with herbalist Christiane Laures. Adults will be able to discover which edible plants can be found in the forest and then create a delicious meal from these plants. Dates to be announced soon.