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Minett Mash-Up (26) – Carole Lorang X Ariston

A theatre, a “secret” and a revival


After our visit to the U4 in Uckange, we return to the Minett region for our June edition and make a stop in Esch. More specifically, this time we are in the Brill district to talk to another interesting guest.

This episode with the director of the Esch Theatre revolves around the theatre, the challenge of putting together a programme each year that appeals to the diverse population of the Minett and the French border region, and the revival of the play “Leurs enfants après eux”. Developed by Carole Lorang as part of Esch2022, the play will be performed again today and tomorrow. This brings the current season of the Esch Theatre to a close.

Our “Minett location” of the month: The Ariston in Esch

The Ciné Ariston was opened in the Brill district at the beginning of the 1960s. It is located near the school and the Sacré-Coeur church, a listed Art Deco building.

The Ariston was used as a cinema from 1962 to 1986 and again from 1991 to 2016. To survive in the 1980s, the movie theatre mainly showed erotic films, although it was owned by the parish of the neighbouring church. After its final closure as a cinema and the listing of the Ariston building as a historical monument, the town of Esch acquired the Ariston.

Between 2020 and 2022, the building was renovated and the cinema was converted into a theatre. Today, the Ariston is part of the Esch Theatre, which hosts its children’s programme and its own productions.

For this episode of Minett Mash-Up, we took a seat in the basement bistro. Here you can find the only sculpture from the Esch2022 exhibition “Nothing is permanent” still in Esch: the piece “Eeesch!” by Viennese artist Christoph Meier.

© Minett UNESCO Biosphere

Our guest: Carole Lorang

After studying directing in Brussels and working as a director for several years, Carole Lorang has been the manager of the Esch Theatre since 2018. In addition to her administrative role, Carole continues to direct plays. Her creation “Leurs enfants après eux”, which was developed as part of Esch2022 and is again performed, is the focus of our discussion.

Other topics we discuss with Carole Lorang include the importance of theatre in today’s world, the role of the Esch Theatre as a cultural institution for our region and, of course, the Ariston, which has been part of the Esch Theatre since 2022.

Our quiz:

What does the word “Ariston” mean?

The word “Ariston” comes from the Greek word “aristos” and can be translated as “the best”.

Which American band plays an important role in Nicolas Mathieu’s novel “Leurs enfants après eux”?


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