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Save the Date: “Vernetzt fetzt! Etre connecté, c’est cool!“

Do you want to get involved in biosphere reserves?

Then come to the third MAB Youth Forum in German:

You are invited to participate!

When: 22-25 September 2023

Where: Palatinate Forest and Northern Vosges Biosphere Reserve in Germany

Target group: young people aged 18 to 25, who live, work in and/or are committed to biosphere reserves

Information about the event:

As in previous youth forums, there will again be a varied programme with a mixture of discussions, workshops, excursions, campfires and music.

The main themes will be “networking and participation”. The background is the lack of contact between young adults in the region and the staff of the administrations. We need you! How can we reach you? What can opportunities for youth participation look like? How can we establish regular and open contact? Together with representatives of the biosphere reserves and you, we would like to discuss this.

In addition, we are inviting German-speaking young people from France, Austria, Switzerland and Luxembourg to discuss and learn from each other: what are successful examples of youth participation? How can we better network even beyond the youth forums? What do we need for this? These and other questions are what we want to find answers to together with you.

Participation in the programme is free of charge for participants from abroad. Only accommodation, meals and travel to and from the event require funding. The costs for accommodation and meals currently amount to € 218.21 per person for the whole event.

The programme is again being co-organised by a group of young adults who have already participated in the first two forums. Concrete information about the programme will be available in spring this year.

The background:

The first German-speaking MAB Youth Forum in 2019 under the theme “Sustainable Living and Management” attracted young people from Germany and Austria to the UNESCO Rhön Biosphere Reserve. For four days, the 27 participants exchanged experiences and visions not only with each other, but also with successful companies in the Rhön and developed projects to strengthen the idea of biosphere reserves.

For the second German-speaking MAB 2021 Youth Forum, more than 40 young people from Germany, Austria and Luxembourg met under the slogan “Lust auf Parti*zipation” (desire to participate) in the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Swabian Alb to discuss youth participation in biosphere reserves. In an intensive exchange the participants gathered their demands and wishes for a better participation of young people. The resulting Parti*fest (= Participation + Manifesto) was discussed with decision-makers on site and forwarded to all biosphere reserves in Germany.

You can find a first impression of the planned youth forum as well as previous youth forums right here.

Luxembourgish participation in youth forums:

Click here to read Hana Prosser’s impressions as a representative of Luxembourg at the Youth Forum 2021 in the Swabian Alb Biosphere Reserve.


After her participation in the forum in Germany, Hana actively supported us in organising the first youth forum “Beyouthsphere” in the Minett UNESCO Biosphere. In April 2022 15 young adults from all over Europe met in Lasauvage to identify 4 concrete environmental problems in Luxembourg’s only biosphere reserve and developed proposals for solutions. These will be put into practice at the second “Beyouthsphere” forum which will take place in Ellergronn this July.

More information about the Minett UNESCO Biosphere Youth Forum will follow soon.