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Rocklines & Art

Visit to Minett Park Fonds-de-Gras

On Thursday, the two geopoets, Davide Sapienza and Robert Weis, were invited to Minett Park Fonds-de-Gras to gather more impressions of the region for the project “Rocklines. A journey through Minett, the sea of red rocks”.

Impressions for the travel book

After their journey, the Italian writer and the Luxembourg geologist will rework their impressions for an alternative travel guide of the Minett UNESCO Biosphere. A travel guide that will be published next year, when the Minett region with Esch2022 – European Capital of Culture – will be in the focus of national and international attention anyway. This guide will offer a different view of the Minett and its landscape.

Historical information

At the beginning of the tour Frédéric Humbel, manager of the Minett Park Fonds-de-Gras, explained the historical site to the geopoets. He explained the unique character of the narrow valley between Niederkorn, Lasauvage and Pétange, and spoke about the history of iron ore mining, which was carried out in Fonds-de-Gras until the 1950s.

Exclusive insights

Afterwards, Frédéric Humbel led Davide Sapienza and Robert Weis to the Hal Paul Wurth, where the two geopoets had an exclusive preview of the exhibition “A BORD” by the Luxembourg-Swiss artist Manette Fusenig.

The opening of the exhibition, already fully set up, took place today. It will be open to the public from tomorrow until the 29th of August, every week from Thursday to Sunday between 2pm and 6pm.

More information about Manette Fusenig’s exhibition and the Minett Park Fonds-de-Gras can be found on the Minett Park website.