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Minett Mash-Up: Episode 18 – Carlo Hamling X Den Alen ARBED’s Büro

Living local history


After our stop in Dudelange last month, we visit the Kayl Valley in October. The narrow valley, carved into the landscape over the years by the Kaylbach, a tributary of the Alzette, is a place full of history and stories, which is the focus of this episode.

We take you on a journey through the history of the municipality. We also talk with our guest about his work as a gravedigger and his desire to keep the memory of the deceased inhabitants of Kayl alive.

Our guest: Carlo Hamling

Carlo Hamling is deeply attached to his hometown. Born in Kayl, he has been interested in the history of his valley since his youth and knows it like no other. His passion is contagious and he enjoys sharing his knowledge with local schoolchildren in the form of workshops.

Carlo is also an avid collector of historical objects, which he has donated to the new “Musée Ferrum” in Tétange for public display.

© Minett UNESCO Biosphere

Our Minett-location of the month: Tétange

The municipality of Kayl-Tétange

The municipality of Kayl is made up of the villages of Kayl and Tétange. It is bordered to the east by the largest nature reserve of Luxembourg, the “Haard”, and to the west by the nature reserves “Léiffrächen” and “Brucherbierg-Lallengerbierg”. Today about 10.000 people live in the commune.

There were no steelworks in the municipality of Kayl. Mining dominated industrial activity in both towns in the 20th century. However, in addition to the mines, there were several companies in Kayl and Tétange that supplied the mining and steel industries. Miners’ shoes and lamps were produced here.

The Kabaischen of the month: Den alen ARBED‘s Büro

Six sleeping accommodations await curious visitors here, where decades ago the wagons were weighed down with the precious ore-bearing rock “Minett”. The old administration building of the local mining company is literally dripping with history: from here, the ore went to all the steelworks in the region, creating part of the wealth that the Grand Duchy enjoyed in the 20th century.

The work to transform this old administrative building had a very clear vision: to preserve and respect the existing historic basic shape of the building. The architects Tetra Kayser Associés were responsible for the project. As a result, the exterior façade has remained unchanged, and the interior continues to reflect the building’s industrial past.


Our quiz:

In 1910, discussions began on the construction of a regional tramway in the south of Luxembourg. Four years later, the municipal syndicate TICE was set up to build and operate the tramway. In 1927, the first trains of the “Minettstram” ran from Esch to Dudelangen via Kayl, but also from Kayl to Rumelange. Until when the “Minettstram” was in operation?

  1. 1936
  2. 1945
  3. 1956


For centuries there was a water castle in Kayl, built in the 13th century. However, the castle was not preserved and was only rediscovered in the 20th century. When exactly were the foundations of the old castle in Kayl found?

  1. In 1943, after an air raid during the Second World War
  2. 1970 during a farmer’s field work
  3. 1980 during work to canalise the Kaylbach river


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