Littering is a phenomenon that has a lasting impact on Luxembourg’s natural sites, including the Minett UNESCO Biosphere. In 2015, each inhabitant of the Grand Duchy threw away an average of 1.6 kilos of waste per year. Almost 30% of the waste thrown away consisted of metal, with beer and energy drink cans making up the majority of metal waste.
According to the Environment Agency, 103 kilos of litter was collected by public authorities per kilometre of country road in 2015, and as much as 216 kilos per kilometre of motorway. However, litter is not only dumped on main roads, but also on minor roads and even in the middle of forests and nature reserves.
It is therefore all the more important that almost all the municipalities in the Minett UNESCO Biosphere get involved and work together with their inhabitants to collect litter in the countryside on a voluntary basis.
Dates from 9 to 23 March
The start of the “grouss Botz” in the 11 municipalities that make up the biosphere reserve is Saturday 9 March. The town of Rumelange invites everyone who has the time and inclination to meet at the market square (Place Grande-Duchesse Charlotte) at 9.00 a.m. on that day and set off on a tour of the countryside around the southernmost town in the country. For more information, click here.
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Rubbish to be collected in Schifflange, Sanem, Käerjeng and Mondercange on March 16th
The municipality of Schifflange and its environmental committee are organising their big spring clean on Saturday 16 March 2024. The campaign starts at 9.15 am in the car park of the “Halle Polyvalent”. A lunch will be served to volunteers on the premises of the municipality’s depot. For organisational reasons, registration is required by 7 March at the latest. Details can be found in this flyer.
In Käerjeng, the big clean-up starts at 9:00 in the morning. Residents of Linger, Hautcharage and Bascharage will meet at the car park at “Dribbel”, residents of Clemency will meet at the former parish hall in Clemency and at the festival hall in Fingig for the tour around Fingig. You will receive more details after registration.
In the municipality of Sanem, the cleaning tour starts one hour later, at 10:00 am, in all four villages belonging to Sanem. In Sanem itself, the meeting point is in front of the sports hall, in Soleuvre at the old basketball court (Place de l’indépendance), in Ehlerange at the “Kulturschapp” and in Belvaux in front of the town hall. At 12:00, the municipality of Sanem invites all the participants to the “Matgesfeld” for a vegetable soup and a small drink. Anyone wishing to take part should register as soon as possible via this link.
The fourth municipality to clean up on 16 March is Mondercange. Just like in the municipalities of Käerjeng and Sanem, there are also several clean-up campaigns here. One in Mondercange itself and one in Bergem. Registration is also required here by 10 March.
Bettembourg, Differdange, Esch, Kayl and Pétange clean up their nature on 23 March
You should get up early to take part in the “Kuer fir d’Natur” in the municipality of Pétange. The event starts at 8.00 a.m. on the grounds of the municipal studios “an der Léier”, from where all the cleaning teams set off. On the return of the volunteers, the municipality of Pétange will organise a big closing party at the same location, offering pea soup and barbecued food, as well as children’s activities and information stands for young and old. Anyone wishing to take part can register until 8 March.
In Esch-Alzette, the deadline for those interested in collecting rubbish that has nothing to do with nature is at half past eight. All tours will start and finish at the town hall square. After a small refreshment provided by the municipality, groups of around 9 people will then set off through the natural areas of the country’s second largest city. At the end of the clean-up, a small lunch is planned for the participants starting at 12:00 noon. As in the other municipalities of the Minett UNESCO Biosphere, interested citizens should register by 22 March at the latest.
Half an hour later, at 9.00 a.m., the big clean-up campaign starts in the municipality of Differdange. There are 11 different routes planned through the parks, meadows and forests of the entire municipality. After the volunteers return, a large group photo will be taken with all the helpers at 12.30 pm, followed by a (vegetarian) pea soup. Registrations can be made directly via a form on the website of the municipality of Differdange.
In the municipality of Bettembourg, a “big clean-up” will be organised in two villages. One meeting point is in Bettembourg itself and the other in Hüncheringen. The rubbish collection starts at 10:00 a.m. and anyone who would like to take part will receive further information if they register with the Bettembourg Service Écologique by mid-March.
The municipality of Kayl is inviting everyone to take part in its “Grouss Botz 2024” campaign. As in Bettembourg, the meeting point is set for 10.00 a.m. on the premises of the “Service des régies” in Tétange. After the rally, all participants will be invited by the town council to an aperitif and lunch. Anyone wishing to take part can register here by 15 March 2024 at the latest.
Thanks to all those who are committed to nature in our biosphere reserve
No matter in which municipality of the Minett UNESCO Biosphere you want to help clean the parks, meadows and forests of our biosphere reserve from dirt and rubbish that has simply been thrown into nature, remember to wear sturdy shoes and clothing appropriate to the weather conditions.
Materials, such as bags and tweezers, with which you can collect the rubbish are largely provided by the municipalities at the meeting points. However, you may be asked to bring other items with you. You will receive this information after registering.
In addition to the activities organised by the municipal administrations in March, the RBUAP athletics club invites you to go plogging on the first Sunday of every month. Plogging involves jogging and picking up litter along the way. You can find the meeting points and start times for the plogs in March, April and May here.