Mission Zéro Carbone Educational activities Minett Mash-Up: De Podcast Free fruit from Minett's orchards
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© Visit Minett

As part of the MinettREMIX exhibition organized by the Centre National de la Culture Industrielle (CNCI) for Esch2022, the Ordre des Architectes et des Ingénieurs-Conseils (OAI), with the support of ORT Sud, invites you to visit the exhibition “Walk on the Minett Trail” from May 6th to October 30th October 2022, at the Fondouq Hall in Dudelange, to visit the exhibition “Walk on the Minett Trail”, which shows the background of the creation of the 11 shelters along the Minett Trail, which winds through the territory of the eleven municipalities grouped in the PRO-SUD intercommunal syndicate.

The exhibit provides a taste of the 11 shelters created through new construction or rehabilitation of existing structures. These unusual architectures document the history of the Minett, a region rich in human capital born of migration and its industrial past.

© Visit Minett

PRO-SUD and the OAI co-organized this architectural competition in the form of an anonymous consultation of architects, which was a great success: open phase with 91 applications submitted, 33 applications selected for consultation (3 for each of the 11 sites) and finally 11 winners selected by the jury on the 5th and 6th of March 2020.

Thus, this competition was particularly innovative and pioneering: 11 builders, 11 different sites, 11 small properties, but 1 single coherent, fast and economical process that allows synergies with strong solutions at the levels of architectural quality, contextuality in relation to the sites and history….

Consequently, the objectives of Esch 2022 coincide with those of the OAI in terms of promoting building culture among a broad audience with diverse backgrounds, in the interest of a smart, inclusive, sustainable and resilient habitat.

The highlights of the event in Dudelange are in particular:

1. Creation of a convivial circuit in the outdoor area of the Fondouq Hall:

Presentation of the architectural competition and the 11 “Kabaisercher” accommodations on large panels.

2. Cosy lounge inside the Fondouq hall:

A screen offering continuous interviews with the promoters of the “Walk on the Minett Trail” project, as well as film reports of each shelter (creation process) with interviews with the builders, the architects and the artists involved….

Tablets will be provided so that people can view the various clips at their leisure.

3. A pop-up library OAI:

Allows those interested to consult or even take away the various publications of the OAI: Guides Références OAI, Bauhärepräis OAI, Book OAI +25, Festival des Cabanes SNJ / OAI….

4. Conference “Inspired by the competition OAI / PRO-SUD Gîtes Minett Trail”:

11 x 5 minutes of the architects designing the gîtes with their client on Monday, September 26, 2022 at 7:45 pm at Ciné Starlight in Dudelange.

More information:

About the architect consultation and the proposed projects: www.architectour.lu/minetttrail

About the Minett Trail: www.minetttrail.lu