Mission Zéro Carbone Minett Mash-Up: De Podcast Naturlab: Discover the Minett Nature Explorer: Youth Workshops
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Minett Trail: Lénger Schoul bookable

There are no more obstacles to discovering the UNESCO Minett Biosphere Reserve. The eleventh and last Kabaischen along the 90-kilometre Minett Trail, the “Lénger Schoul”, has recently been opened.

The former school building, which has been completely renovated and converted into functional accommodation, awaits hikers coming from Clemency at the end of the first section of the Minett Trail.

Inside the former school, guests have access to a spacious living room with a fully equipped kitchen and four different bedrooms. Up to 7 guests can sleep here at the same time and enjoy the large terrace or the adjacent playground, weather permitting. The latter will be of particular interest to younger hikers.

All the Kabaisercher are now bookable!

The opening of the Kabaischens in Linger was delayed somewhat, but the wait was worth it. With this tourist infrastructure, not only the municipality of Käerjeng, on whose territory the “Lénger Schoul” is located, but the entire UNESCO Minett Biosphere will be upgraded in terms of tourism and will be able to offer overnight accommodation to hikers from home and abroad after each stage of the Minett Trail.

As with the other ten Kabaisercher, the redesign of this building was the result of an architectural competition organised by the Minett UNESCO Biosphere Authority, the PRO-SUD syndicate, in collaboration with the “Ordre des architectes et des ingénieurs-conseils (OAI)“. The winning project was designed by “O3 Architecture” with architects Quentin Van Bruyssel and Frédéric Jennes.

To book a room or the entire Kabaischen in Linger, please click on one of the images below.

Source: www.simpleviu.com