Mission Zéro Carbone Minett Mash-Up: De Podcast Naturlab: Discover the Minett Nature Explorer: Youth Workshops
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Radio 100.7 visits…

… the Aire Terrestre Educative

Yesterday, Maurice Molitor, a journalist for the public radio station Radio 100,7, visited the Minett UNESCO Biosphere. Maurice Molitor recorded a twenty-minute report on the Aire Terrestre Educative (ATE) in Rumelange for his programme “Den Hallwer Néng“.

The final creative task for the ATE pilot project in the arboretum “An Aenzelen” is now starting and will be completed by the pupils of the two classes from Rumelange before the summer holidays. Together with graphic designer Lisa Keiffer, a local artist, and with the support of the cultural centre Spektrum, about 30 students from grades 3 and 4 will design new signage for the arboretum. This will be designed in several stages until 15 July, then graphically implemented and installed in the arboretum. The official presentation of the final major project will take place in the autumn.

The Aire Terrestre Educative pilot project is part of the Minett Nature an Ëmwelt LéierLab of the Minett UNESCO Biosphere, financed by the FNR and supported by the Département de l’Aménagement du Territoire (DATer).

Click here to listen to the report.