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City Nature Challenge 2023

The City Nature Challenge (CNC) was initially organised by the California Academy of Sciences and the Los Angeles Museum of Natural History. It is a citizen science project, primarily designed to document urban biodiversity and involve city residents in the nature around them (also known as bioblitz). The project is designed as a joint effort across the world to discern who can make the most observations, identify the most species or have the most participants. The project began in 2016 and has now expanded to over 400 regions around the world.

The objectives of the CNC

  • Connecting people in urban areas to their local nature
  • Connect people to each other: create an in-person and online community around local nature
  • Collect urban biodiversity data available for use in science, management and conservation
  • Developing volunteer biodiversity documentation on a global scale
  • Have fun in a friendly competition!


The CNC in Luxembourg

The National Museum of Natural History of Luxembourg is the national coordinator of this event and the event is organised throughout the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. The Minett UNESCO Biosphere is not organising an event this year, but those interested can participate in the CNC2023 at any time.