Mission Zéro Carbone Minett Mash-Up: De Podcast Naturlab: Discover the Minett Nature Explorer: Youth Workshops
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Drawing Nature

The artist and naturalist Alan Johnston hosted workshops on botanical observational drawing at Ellergronn. Various groups of participants were invited to take part: University students, senior citizens and adults.

As a warm-up exercise, automatic drawings were made observing a plant and drawing without looking at the page. Breathing exercises to concentrate on the sweep of a line were as much a part of the workshops as making detailed sketches and studies of the flowering plants around Ellergronn. The first sketches were done in pencil and afterwards the participants experimented with watercolour.

The second part of the workshop took place next to the ‘Hénzebësch’ pond. The participants focused on the large trees and made several spontaneous and quick drawings. Alan Johnston shared his experience in nature illustration with the participants and gave individual feedback to each of them.

© Minett UNESCO Biosphere / Lucie Majerus