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Study on the local food supply

in short circuits in the Minett UNESCO Biosphere and surrounding areas

The context

This analysis is a continuation of the territorial diagnosis of local products started with the analysis of demand in 2021. The overall objective is to provide decision support for the implementation of a policy within PRO-SUD that will sustainably support the development of local quality food channels.

The aim is to gain a better understanding of the capacity of the farming community to organise and structure itself to meet consumer demand for local produce.

The analysis of the demand had shown that there was considerable scope for growth in local consumption.

A steering committee monitored the progress of the study for a year before the results were presented to our elected representatives and funding partners (Ministries of Agriculture and Spatial Planning).


The study allowed to…

  • Identify 28 producers for whom the short distribution channel is important (29% of the sample). 36% of these producers would like to increase their production in the short distribution channel, while 18% are considering whether to become active.
  • Shed light on motivations and obstacles. The producers’ need for recognition of their work, for human contact in order to carry on the tradition of family knowledge and to be able to sell all their production is particularly striking. But also their desire not to overburden their already busy schedules or, given the short distribution channel, to deal with an overly bureaucratic administration.
  • Illustrate the characteristics of their production. The supply of primary products is diverse, but there is a lack of processing facilities in the country to diversify the use of production.


However, the snapshot of the food supply covered remains incomplete and inaccurate, as detailed information on volumes and turnover is not provided.



To complement the study, a workshop was held in the spring of 2023 with elected politians, local and state officials, academics and other stakeholders.

Participants had an in-depth exchange of views on the challenges facing agriculture, which remains a key issue for the future. In particular, the question of how to reach young people and help them to set up in business, especially in the field of local supply, given that the number of farmers in Luxembourg halves every 25 years.

Priorities for action have been identified for PRO-SUD in order to contribute to a more dynamic local supply.

For example, acting as a mediator to create synergies between actors and to find permanent funding, promoting school visits to farms, helping with the marketing of products, coordinating a biennial regional event such as “Au Goût du Terroir”, which is seen as a showcase for products but also as an incubator for young producers, communicating at regional level about what is already on offer.


The full study (in French) Summary of the study (in French)