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Minett Mash-Up: Episode 20 – Best of 2023 & Industriekultur-CNCI

Review and outlook


As the year draws to a close, we take a look back at the highlights of the year and offer you some short extracts from various episodes of our podcast. But we’re also looking forward to 2024, when the new IK-CNCI team, who we meet in full in this episode of the Minett Mash-Up, will be guiding us through the industrial heritage of the Minett and the Greater Region.

Our guests: The Industriekultur-CNCI team

With Laurie moving to London in the spring and Jenny taking up a new career challenge in the summer, the IK-CNCI team has changed completely this year. It has also grown. There are now five people working for the Centre National de la Culture Industrielle.

In the second half of the episode, you will meet Anna, Delphine, Loréna, Maria and Pascal and here you can see them in their working environment in Esch-Belval:

In addition to the new staff of the IK-CNCI, Jenny also paid us a visit. With Jenny, we mainly looked back at the year 2023. Unfortunately, Laurie was unable to travel from London to join us for our 2023 review.

Our quiz:

Do you think unemployment has gone up or down in 2023?

Bad news – the number of unemployed rose by 15.4% this year (between October 22 and October 23 – Adem figures)

What do you think the gender pay gap will be this year?

The better news is that the gender pay gap has been closed in Luxembourg, but within the EU this is only the case here. The European average is still 12.7%, with, for example, 17.6% in Germany, 15.4% in France and 5.0% in Belgium. (Data published by STATEC)

And what percentage of people who worked in this country this year travelled across the border every day?

Of the 479,000 people employed in Luxembourg, 47% are cross-border commuters (half of them from France).

© Industriekultur-CNCI / Minett UNESCO Biosphere

Links to the topics we talked abour in this episode:


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