Mission Zéro Carbone Minett Mash-Up: De Podcast Naturlab: Discover the Minett Nature Explorer: Youth Workshops
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Minett Mash-Up – De Podcast

Episode 1: Introducing the crew

Welcome to Minett Mash-Up Podcast! In this first discovery show, the podcast team introduce themselves, give you details of the podcast concept and reveal what to expect. Each month you will gain the opportunity to join the podcasters at a special location within the Minett UNESCO Biosphere.


This Month’s Podcast Location

For the first episode we were in the heart of the Prënzebierg and met at the Giele Botter in front of the entrance to the Schlammefeld mine.

The Prënzebierg is one of the 6 core areas of the Minett UNESCO Biosphere and can be easily discovered, using one of the two marked hiking trails. You can discover the area via a shorter geological trailor a longer trail created by the Nature and Forestry Administration.
The Minett Trail, which is designed for Esch2022 – European Capital of Culture, over a distance of 90 kilometres, through the 11 municipalities of the Syndicat PRO-SUD, also allow you to discover the natural riches of the former open-cast mine “Giele Botter”.
After a walk in the central “Prënzebierg” area of the Minett UNESCO Biosphere, we also recommend visiting the Minett Park Fond-de-Gras to end the day or to enjoy one of the hiking trails that start from this industrial heritage site.

About Us

The Minett Mash-Up podcast is a collaboration between Minett UNESCO Biosphere (MUB), Musée vun der Aarbecht (MUAR) and Industriekultur-CNCI.

The Minett UNESCO Biosphere Reserve covers the entire Minett region and everything within it, whether that be the natural landscapes, the people, the natural flora and fauna or the industrial heritage. Together, with its many partners in the South, PRO-SUD is responsible for the management of the biosphere. By organising projects focused on; regional citizen participation, outreach, and research, it is its aim for sustainable development and a harmonious life between Man and Nature to be promoted within the Minett.

The MUAR – Museum of Labour – is an initiative of the municipality of Kayl in relation to “Esch 2022 – European Capital of Culture”. The MUAR is the country’s first museum dedicated to work, and as a museum without walls, it offers visitors the opportunity to discover the world of the labour force from different angles through various events such as seminars, conferences, concerts and information workshops. This project aims to complement the industrial and cultural heritage of the Minette region.

Industriekultur-CNCI asbl (Centre national de la culture industrielle) is committed to industrial culture and industrial heritage in Luxembourg. One of its main objectives is to establish a cooperative network of museums and associations active in the field of industrial culture. In order to preserve this heritage for future generations, the IK-CNCI develops, among other things, concepts for the creative use of old industrial buildings and sites. The association aims to bring industrial culture and people together through interesting projects and practical activities.