Mission Zéro Carbone Minett Mash-Up: De Podcast Naturlab: Discover the Minett Nature Explorer: Youth Workshops
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Tasting the spring forest

This weekend, the public got the chance to taste the spring forest in a workshop with herbalist Christiane Laures. The morning started with a quiz where the participants had to identify edible and poisonous plants displayed at a table and name them. An emphasis was put on the current edible wild herbs and their look-alike poisonous herbs. Participants were able to ask questions to amplify their herborist knowledge.

During the hike through the Ellergronn, the group identified the plants which they learned about before and collectes a few wild spring herbs to cook with. At the moment abundant edible plants in Ellergronn were pileworth (lesser cleandine) and young nettles.

Back inside, the participants enjoyed the fresh douglas fir tea, made only with branches of this conifer and some honey. Then the group divided into three smaller groups to cook three courses. The menu included fresh cheese with wild herbs on fresh baguette, a nettle soup and wild garlic risotto. At last, the participants could enjoy their wild Sunday lunch all together.