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Political concertation meeting

Meeting between the Minister of Spatial Planning and the enlarged PRO-SUD policy board:

Strengthening the commitment to a regional territorial vision

and the valuation of the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve

This meeting follows on from the joint declaration of intent signed on 21 April by the member communes of the Syndicat PRO-SUD, the Minister of the Environment and the Minister of Spatial Planning. This declaration is part of the concerted implementation of the Minett Unesco Biosphere, with the ambitious goal of achieving climate neutrality by 2050.

The signatories reaffirm their willingness to work together to define a territorial and regional approach, pooling available resources to create synergies and reduce costs for the municipalities, while positioning the South Region as a pioneer of sustainable development in Luxembourg.

Particular attention was paid to the “Mission Zéro Carbone” project, an essential pillar of the “Southern Region Territorial Vision” initiated by the Department of Spatial Planning as part of the development of the Spatial Planning Master Plan (PDAT). During the meeting, Lex Faber of the study office Zeyen+Baumann presented the results of the first workshop of the Southern Regional Forum. The aim of this workshop was to develop a regional action plan to collectively decarbonise the Southern Region in line with sustainable spatial planning objectives.

This meeting marks an important milestone in the consolidation of strategic partnerships between the State and the member municipalities of the syndicate, positioning PRO-SUD as a catalyst and accelerator of concrete actions in favour of balanced regional development and respect for the environment.