Mission Zéro Carbone Minett Mash-Up: De Podcast Naturlab: Discover the Minett Nature Explorer: Youth Workshops
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Minett Escape Game

Last week, four Cycle 4 primary school classes from the municipalities of Dudelange, Schifflange, Sanem and Esch-Alzette started working together to develop an outdoor escape game in the Haard and Giele Botter nature reserves. The games will be available to schools in the Minett UNESCO Biosphere next autumn.

The children from the various classes visited the former open-cast mining areas, accompanied by experts in nature, geology and history, as well as a mediator who came from France to develop the game. They were given an insight into the importance of biodiversity in our nature reserves, learned more about past mining activities in the south of Luxembourg and were told how iron ore was deposited in our region.

On-site co-creation

After all these informations the pupils started to let their imaginations run wild and create an exciting story using some characters shown to the children as inspiration. In the next few weeks, the French experts, who have already developed more than one escape game in different locations, will transform the children’s ideas into an exciting and interesting escape game.

The aim of these games, designed for two of the six core zones of our biosphere reserve, is to give teachers the opportunity to take their classes out into nature and to give children a playful, educational opportunity to learn about our region, its special characteristics and its natural wealth.

In the next stage of the development of the two outdoor escape games, the four school classes will be able to test the prototypes of the games created from their input.

© Minett UNESCO Biosphere