Mission Zéro Carbone Minett Mash-Up: De Podcast Naturlab: Discover the Minett Nature Explorer: Youth Workshops
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Minett Mash-Up: Episod 12 – Philippe Morgado X Lasauvage

Founder of the start-up that runs the Kabaisercher on the Minett Trail 


The common theme of our second season this year is our travels along the Minett Trail. Two weeks before the official inauguration of the 90-kilometre trail through the eleven municipalities of the Minett UNESCO Biosphere, this podcast episode particularly focuses on the Minett Trail’s lodgings called “Kabaisercher”, located in eleven different places, which will all soon be open for booking. 

Our guest: Philippe Morgado

To reveal us more about the Kabaisercher, we invited the founder of Simpleviu, Philippe Morgado. His start-up won a bid to manage these tourist lodgings along the Minett Trail in early 2022. Simpleviu now works in close cooperation with the 11 municipalities where the Kabaisercher are located, the regional tourism office VisitMinett and other local partners. 

© Julie Collini

Philippe Morgado talked to us about his mechanical engineering and entrepreneurship studies and about his path into the tourism industry. We look back at hisfirst few months as the official operator of the Kabaisercher and take a look into the future of “slow tourism” (also) in Luxembourg. We also got chatting about the works of art within this particular Kabaiserchen, local legends and the industrial culture of Luxembourg’s south. 

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Our Minett Location of the month: Lasauvage 

The municipality of Differdange 

Lasauvage is a village in the municipality of Differdange and, with around 400 inhabitants, one of the smallest villages in the Minett UNESCO Biosphere. “Zowaasch”, as the village is called in Luxembourgish, developed from the 17th century onwards, after a first small steel mill opened in the valley of the Crosnière in 1623. The steelworks in Lasauvage was in operation until the 1870s. Since a railway line, connecting the remote valley of Lasauvage to the French border was rejected at that time, industrial production shifted to the neighbouring French town of Longwy. 

In Lasauvage, however, iron ore continued to play an important role. Minett was extracted from the mines around the village until 1978, and the remains of the mining activities still characterise the small village today. 

The municipality of Differdange, to which Lasauvage belongs, also consists of the city of Differdange and the towns of Oberkorn and Niederkorn. With its almost 30,000 inhabitants, Differdange is the third largest municipality in Luxembourg. Differdange is still an industrial city and its steelworks is still operating and exports its products worldwide. Parts of the steel mill that are no longer in operation have recently been converted into a “creative hub” where young creative businesses can start their activities. 

Kabaischen of the month: La Sauvage 

Our Kabaischen in April is called “La Sauvage”. The name comes from the legend of a wild woman who, before the village of Lasauvage was founded, is said to have roamed the valley of the Crosnière river. 

This relatively large lodging, located in an old miner’s house, has a total of 3 rooms and7 beds. The interior was built using the “box-in-a-box” system after the house was completely gutted. 

On the walls of this Kabaischen you can see large frescoes, made of clay, which have been created by the local artist Léa Schroeder. The artworks show both the legend of the “femme sauvage” and scenes from Lasauvage’s mining past. 

© Minett UNESCO Biosphere

Our quiz: 

A number of counting stations have been installed along the Minett Trail to automatically record the amount of hikers. One of those stations is located in the Ellergronn in Esch. How many people do you think were counted here in 2022?   

  • 8.523  
  • 155.874  
  • 297.103


At the counting station in Lasauvage about 28,000 hikers of the Minett Trail were recorded during the same period. 

Where did the village of Lasauvage get its name from?   

  • From a local legend of a wild woman 
  • From the creek that crosses the village 
  • From the wolves that used to live in the valley 


Links to the topics we talked about in  this episode


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