Mission Zéro Carbone Minett Mash-Up: De Podcast Naturlab: Discover the Minett Nature Explorer: Youth Workshops Nature & More - Family Day - 18.05.25 - En Dag an der Natur vum Ellergronn
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Mir si raus – outdoor school in October

SCRIPT‘s Fuerschen dobaussen programme invites primary school pupils and their teachers to go out into nature to provide children with learning activities in line with the school curriculum.
In many countries, including our Belgian, German and French neighbouring countries, school has been associated with real life outside the classroom for many years. This involves taking classes out into the open air on a regular basis to learn new things.

6  “Mir si raus!” workshops throughout Minett

SCRIPT is testing this concept this autumn in Luxembourg and the Minett UNESCO Biosphere is proud to participate in this initiative.

A walk with the sheep

During the first week of the “Mir si raus!” activities, we are organising, in collaboration with the Nature and Forest Agency (ANF) and the farmer, an outing to discover the Minetter Schof, who have been grazing for 20 years in the Minett nature reserves. The children will learn more about the job of the shepherd, and about the Minetter Schof, a breed that is threatened with extinction. In addition, the role of sheep in the preservation of biodiversity in southern Luxembourg is explained to them.

For more information on this activity, click here.

Komm mat an de Bësch

For children of cycle 2, we organise, in collaboration with the “Haus vun der Natur”, the field trip “Komm mat an de Bësch”. The children discover different species of trees and plants, as well as fruits and animals of the forest in a playful way. In this context, the children themselves will work on the interactions of the forest ecosystem.

This educational excursion takes place in Kayl and is offered on 19 October and 25 October.

Travelling through time

Travelling through time with stones is also organised twice in October. The stones of the Minett have a long history and can tell many stories of the past through their fossils. Children of cycles 2, 3 or 4 will have the opportunity to actively search for fossils and discover the past of southern Luxembourg, including its biodiversity from the Jurassic age.

We are organising this activity in collaboration with the Nature and Forest Agency (ANF) and the City of Esch. It will take place on 12 October and 26 October.

The discovery of conifers

To close the “Mir si raus!” programme, the Minett UNESCO Biosphere and Sound Ecology invite children to an excursion to the arboretum in Rumelange. On 28 October, a cycle 4 class will not only learn to distinguish between different types of conifers, but will also discover a tufa spring. In Luxembourg, these springs are mostly known in the Mullerthal, but there is also one in the Minett.

Of course, the Minett UNESCO Biosphere is not the only partner of SCRIPT in the ”Mir si raus!” programme. An overview of all the activities organised throughout the country is available on this website.