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Interview: 50 years ‘Man and the Biosphere’

UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere Programme (MAB) just turned 50 in November 2021. 

MAB is one of UNESCO’s major intergovernmental scientific programs. It aims at forging a new understanding of the natural world and the role of people in it, and promotes approaches to economic development that are socially appropriate and environmentally sustainable.

On the occasion of the celebration of this 50th anniversary, the Memory & Future Club of AFUS has produced the following video discussion with Philippe Pypaert, from the MAB Secretariat, and Thomas Schaaf, former Director of UNESCO’s Division of Ecological and Earth Sciences and Secretary of the MAB Programme.

Philippe Pypaert  served for many years in UNESCO’s field offices in Venice and Beijing and is now at the MAB Secretariat dealing in particular with thematic networks of biosphere reserves, the MAB Youth Network and cross-sectoral initiatives on Education for Sustainable Development. 

Dr Thomas Schaaf  worked in UNESCO’s Division of Ecological and Earth Sciences until 2013, particularly on drylands and mountain ecosystems. He served there as Director a.i. and as Secretary of the MAB Programme.