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Luxembourg’s wild orchids

On Friday, the new temporary exhibition ‘Trick or truth! Wild Orchids in Luxembourg’ at the ‘natur musée’ in the Grund in Luxembourg will open this Friday.

Until the end of August, focus will be on the second largest plant family on earth: orchids. With more than 40 different species, orchids are found in many different habitats throughout Luxembourg. The former open-cast mines of the Minett are a special hotspot for orchids, since many species find optimal living conditions there.

In connection with the new exhibition, the ‘natur musée’ invites you to a number of guided tours in the nature reserves of the Minett UNESCO Biosphere.

2 June: Orchid tour through the Giele Botter nature reserve

On Friday 2 June, Tania Walisch will take you on a tour of the Giele Botter nature reserve. In this former open-cast mining area between Pétange and Differdange, not only orchids, but also other rare plants can be found. The scientist of the ‘natur musée’ will be delighted to explain them to you during this walk.

You can register here for the walk through the Giele Botter.

3 June: D’Orchideeë vun der Haard (The orchids of the Haard)

The protected area ‘Haard’ between Dudelange, Kayl-Tétange and Rumelange is the largest nature reserve in Luxembourg. After the end of mining activities, orchids have found optimal spaces for colonisation. Laura Daco, botanist of the ‘natur musée’, will take you on a tour on Saturday morning to discover a landscape which, after the intervention of man, has been completely reclaimed by nature.

To visit the Haard, register here.

6 June: D’Minetter Dagebaugebitter – en Hotspot fir Orchideeën

On Tuesday 6 June, the ‘natur musée’ invites you to Luxembourg. Jan Herr, manager of the Natura 2000 sites in the Minett, will explain why orchids thrive so well in southern Luxembourg. He will present concrete maintenance measures in the former open-cast mines and explain why these measures do not only serve the orchids.

Tickets for this conference can be booked here.

10 June: Orchideeën op der Haard

On Saturday 10 June, Guy Conrady, naturalist photographer and scientific collaborator of the ‘natur musée’, invites you on a tour through the ‘Haard’. During two hours you will be looking for rare orchids and other natural treasures in the nature reserve.

Click here to register.

11 June: Threat and protection of orchids

On Sunday 11 June, Josy Cungs, the ex-manager of the nature protection areas in the former open-cast mines, will also guide you through the “Haard” nature reserve. On site, he will explain the maintenance and protection measures for orchids and explain why the biodiversity of the former open-cast mines can only be preserved through proper management.

For this visit, register here.

Exhibition in the ‘natur museum’

In addition to the guided tours of the former open-cast mines of the Minett UNESCO Biosphere, the ‘natur musée’ offers a number of other guided tours, lectures and workshops in connection with the exhibition ‘Trick or truth! Wild Orchids in Luxemburg’.

The exhibition will open on Friday and can be visited thereafter from Tuesday to Sunday until the end of August.

© Marc Weis