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The woodlark – hidden star of our biosphere

In 2022, the Nature and Forestry Administration went in search of the hidden star of the UNESCO Biosphere and found it.

The result of this search is an interesting and informative twelve-minute documentary about the woodlark. This small migratory bird, which is found in winter in south-western Europe and returns to our region from March onwards, nests on the ground and has therefore found a perfect habitat in the open dry grasslands of the former open-cast mines in southern Luxembourg.

Due to its small population in Luxembourg, the woodlark needs special protection measures in our region. For this reason, for example, it is forbidden to walk dogs without a leash in the nature reserves of the UNESCO Biosphere between March and September.

By Åsa Berndtsson – Trädlärka / Woodlark, CC BY 2.0,