Mission Zéro Carbone Minett Mash-Up: De Podcast Naturlab: Discover the Minett Nature Explorer: Youth Workshops
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Naturmusée Fest 2023

This Sunday, 17 September, the Minett UNESCO Biosphere was represented for the first time with a stand at the ‘naturmusée’ nature festival.

The ‘Minett INK’ workshop used silkscreen printing with natural ink: a mixture of red earth, water and flour that acts as a natural glue. Various animal and plant species found in the Minett were used as motifs. The Minette sheep, which are used as natural mowers in the nature reserves every summer, the bats that hibernate in the tunnels of the old mines, the lizards for which the old edges of the open-cast mines are the perfect place to sun themselves in the summer, the marsh fritillary, a butterfly that can only be found in one place in the Minett, the woodlark, which uses the open dry grasslands of our nature reserves to breed, and the pyramidal orchid, a species of orchid that can often be seen in our biosphere reserve in spring.

Weather permitting, many children and adults had a great time trying their hand at silk-screen printing and took their creations home with them.