Mission Zéro Carbone Our educational activities Minett Mash-Up: De Podcast Free fruit from Minett's orchards
Nature & Science

De Bësch schmaachen

Summer edition


10/08/2024 10:00 - 14:00

In collaboration with herbalist Christiane Laures, we discover and collect summer herbs and plants in the nature of Ellergronn.

Afterwards we experiment together to create different taste experiences.

At the end of the activity, we eat together the dishes we have just created with ingredients from the forest.

Contact information for this event

Phone: +352 26 17 97 1

E-mail: minell@minett-biosphere.com

Internet: https://minett-biosphere.com/

Free event upon inscription!

Sign up for free now.


Minett UNESCO Biosphere
