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Georges Mischo elected new PRO-SUD President

During the committee meeting of the PRO-SUD syndicate of municipalities, Georges Mischo (CSV), Mayor of the City of Esch-sur-Alzette, was elected President of PRO-SUD. Georges Mischo was the only candidate.

Romain Becker (DP), Alderman of the municipality of Kayl, was elected as a new member of the PRO-SUD Board. There were no other candidates for this position.

Georges Mischo – New president of the Syndicat PRO-SUD
Romain Becker – New member of the PRO-SUD-Board

For more information on the priorities that Georges Mischo wishes to focus on during his term of office, as well as on the updated composition of the committee of the Syndicate for the Promotion and Development of the Southern Region, please consult the press release below:

Communiqué de presse – Georges Mischo élu président du Syndicat PRO-SUD