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Do It Yourself

A Vermicomposter for Everyone’s Garden!

In the week of the 28th of June, the Minett Unesco Biosphere (MUB) hosted a young student from the Differdange International School. As part of this brief internship, the student and Hana, MUB Communication and Research Volunteer, set about trialling an exciting mini Do-It-Yourself (DIY) composter project!

A perfect activity for a rainy summer day!

The MUB was lucky enough to get its hands on one of the ‘vermicomposter’ kits that were developed by ‘Noé-Noah’ and Ville de Differdange, for a workshop held in August 2020. This kit included several wooden pieces, metal chicken wire and nails, which the two fashioned together over the day, into a cute little composter to be used at the MUB office!

Composters are a great way of repurposing your organic waste into compost soil that can be used in the garden. ‘Vermi (worm)-composters’, like the one made by the MUB team, are particularly beneficial as worms are involved. They aid the degradation of your kitchen waste into healthy and nutritious soil. 

In fact, composters with worms provide soils that are much higher in nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and humic acids than classic composters. These elements are of huge benefit to the plant species in your garden as it will help them grow faster and keep them happy and healthy!

While these kits are no longer available to the general public, making your own vermicomposter is a fun and easy project that is accessible to all in the community. The MUB plan on making these kits purchasable again in the near future!

More in-depth information on the Noé-Noah vermicomposters can be found by clicking here.

Follow along video tutorials from Noé-Noah vermicomposter kits can be found under this link:

Reference: Patterson. S, (2021, 21 mai). “Why Your Composting Strategy Needs Worms” Off the Grid News.