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20 years PRO-SUD – Roberto Traversini (2018/2019)

Obtaining the Minett UNESCO Biosphere label


In February 2018, Roberto Traversini became the new president of PRO-SUD. While all actions are refocused on land use planning, the time is right to submit an application for the Southern Region to obtain the “Biosphere Reserve” label of the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere Program. Roberto Traversini has led the application of the Minett UNESCO Biosphere.


PRO-SUD will mobilize the actors of the eleven municipalities to obtain the label of biosphere reserve to develop and promote the southern region in a sustainable way. Citizen participation is a key element of this presidency, which is essential for the preparation of the application file. In each commune, an evening of citizen participation took place to discuss the Minett UNESCO Biosphere. More than 500 residents and high school students participated.