Minett Mash-Up: The podcast about our region TUTTI FRUTTI
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20 years PRO-SUD – Dan Biancalana (2014/2018)

Acting at the regional level


In February 2014, Dan Biancalana took over the presidency of PRO-SUD. The PRO-SUD syndicate is to work on an updated regional programme. Dan Biancalana launches a new future conference with regional stakeholders to develop a regional vision and at the same time refocuses activities on communal development, particularly in the area of mobility. Actions that increase the synergy between the various actors.


PRO-SUD has always worked in good understanding and with the support of the Minister in charge of Spatial Planning. But 2014 marked the signing of a first multi-year agreement between the two platforms that bring together the eleven municipalities: in particular, a regional platform for ecological services is available to municipal employees and a platform on preparatory studies for the PAGs was created.

While the union is working more on issues relating to sectoral plans and spatial planning, a study on cycleability is being carried out. This was a large-scale project, with a Belgian and Dutch consultancy firm analysing the various sections of the roads in the municipalities in order to assess the ease of cycling for daily journeys. This work should help to create a structuring cycle network across the southern region.

This study, which assesses the state of the roads, shows the beginnings of soft mobility, a key concept in sustainable development.