The concept of an “Aire Terrestre Educative”
An educational landscape area is a natural zone that is managed in a participatory way by school children. Under the guidance of the teaching staff and other experts, the school children study the area and democratically decide on measures to preserve the natural heritage.
Through such a project, they acquire skills included in the learning programme and discover their environment and its components. The aim is to reconnect the school children with nature and provide them with knowledge on how to protect biodiversity on the selected site.
Through a participatory approach, the children and young people should understand that our planet is a complex system made up of various interconnected components. These components are the atmosphere, the biosphere, the lithosphere, the hydrosphere and the geosphere.
Furthermore, synergies should be created between school children, teaching staff and users of the selected area.
The pedagogical benefits of hands-on teaching on site result from a better understanding of the environment. The children gain insight into current environmental problems and can gain the awareness that everyone has a responsibility to protect our earth. This approach can also help to develop interdisciplinary skills. These are skills such as critical thinking, teamwork and problem solving. Ultimately, an “Aire Terrestre Educative” can help school children develop an emotional connection to nature and become conscious and active citizens.